Equal Opportunity Daters: We Don’t Discriminate

12 Nov

globeSo I was talking with a friend of mine last night as she was returning home from a first date.  She had a great time – good food and no doubt, had some wine (huh, huh?)

You may be asking – why am I start off my blog talking about a friend’s date? Why not my own?   Well good question my dears. Good question.  And here is the answer:

Since this current beau is from the Ukraine/Russia, she and I started talking about the various men we have either dated or (ahem) married and found out they have come from a plethora of geographic regions.   In fact we started a list of places where our dates have either been born or spent their childhood. Let me tell you, it was an interesting exercise.  Below is the beginning of the list and I for one, am hoping we’ll continue to add to it in the near future.

  1. Ukraine/Russia
  2. Lebanon
  3. Philippines
  4. Cuba
  5. Slovakia

Did I miss any? In fact, we decided to make tshirts that say “EOD: We Don’t Discriminate”.  Want one? We can order one for you.  The shirt would definitely a conversation starter when we’re out in about in the city.

Anyway, not a bad list, huh! I guess it comes down to this.  Life is full of experiences. You can’t necessarily limit yourself to dating this one or that one.  Just have fun. Meet people.  Do something new.  You never know where it can lead…

Talk soon! XOXO

9 Responses to “Equal Opportunity Daters: We Don’t Discriminate”

  1. Jess November 12, 2009 at 10:29 pm #

    Love it!! I agree, and I totally want a tshirt!!

    • Mel November 12, 2009 at 10:32 pm #

      We’ll order you one. No problem-o.

  2. Snark B November 13, 2009 at 11:02 am #

    EOD– very funny. I could add to that list Ethiopia, Germany and Belarus. And all the different geographic regions of this country: Illinois, South Carolina, New York, Boston (sort of- if one date counts.)

    If I include all the places that these women have lived/studied, I could include Mexico, Hawaii, Poland, England, Spain, and Ireland (Galway, to be exact– by a weird coincidence two separate women I’ve dated lived there for a year.)

    • Mel November 13, 2009 at 9:29 pm #

      I think we need to send you a tshirt Snark. What size are you? 😉

      • Snark B November 15, 2009 at 1:04 am #

        Are you serious? Order me a medium. We’ll figure out how you can get it to me. I can spread your message throughout the midwest!

  3. jolene1079 November 13, 2009 at 1:32 pm #

    LOL! I LOVE how this post came out!! And I SERIOUSLY think we need t-shirts….this is a riot!!! high five BSF 😉

  4. BigLittleWolf November 13, 2009 at 8:46 pm #

    Too funny! Actually, I’ve covered some international ground myself… Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Canada, South America. Hmm. I seem to have missed a few continents, but I have found a certain affinity with one very specific country.

    Life’s little entertainments.

    I did enjoy the Russian pianist I dated long long ago. He called me: карманная женщина (pocket woman). I always laughed at that!

    • Mel November 13, 2009 at 9:30 pm #

      OOOOO you have definitely covered some additional ground!! I like the pocket woman name!!! I’d laugh too.


  1. Another side benefit of dating… « To Be Determined - November 14, 2009

    […] a side note, check out BSF’s latest blog, it’s a riot (something we concocted on the drive home from my date with […]

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